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ISS represented at the ISOLDE Workshop 2024

Submitted by pmacgreg on

The ISS experiment was represented this year at the ISOLDE workshop by two excellent talks:

  • Ben Jones (University of Liverpool and ISS LTA) presented the most recent ISS experiment on the 144Ba(d,p) reaction.
  • Ben Kay (Argonne National Laboratory) presented the near-complete analysis of the 132Sn(d,p) experiment.

Many thanks to both Bens for their contributions!

ISS represented at the DREB conference

Submitted by pmacgreg on
Kurhaus Wiesbaden - the DREB conference venue

The town of Wiesbaden in Germany recently hosted around 100 nuclear physicists, both experimentalists and theoreticians, to discuss the latest developments concerning direct reactions with exotic beams (DREB). The ISS collaboration was represented by a talk and a poster.

Patrick MacGregor, the current ISS fellow, gave a talk titled "Overview of recent direct-reaction measurements in inverse kinematics at the ISOLDE Solenoidal Spectrometer, CERN"

Timetable online for the ISS Workshop 2020

Submitted by lgaffney on
ISS Workshop 2020

The timetable of the ISS Workshop 2020 is now online. The workshop will take place on Zoom during the afternoons of the 20th and 21st July, European time. 

Almost 80 participants are registered and will be connecting from all over the world to here the details about 21 new proposal ideas. Updates on the progress of the experiment and discussions about the ongoing collaboration are also scheduled as part of the workshop.